TIBCO’s new video helps explain what data virtualization is, where it provides value, and what industries benefit the most from implementation.
Many organizations connected to the Internet find themselves with massive volumes of data, but do not know how to properly utilize the data. TIBCO’s latest two-minute video explains what data virtualization is, its value, and what industries benefit the most from it.
You’ll learn how TIBCO’s Data Virtualization platform makes sense of this volume of data. The data management solution takes data from various sources, both offline and online, and formats them on a single application.
Check out: The TIBCO Systems of Insights Center
From there, business leaders are able to get a more accurate overview of their business, allowing them to make smarter decisions faster than the competition.
TIBCO’s platform doesn’t just help businesses gain the upper foot. In an example put forward on the video, if a business were building an application with unique data requirements, TIBCO would be able to locate all the relevant data and discover relationships between them.
The drag and drop application makes TIBCO a user-friendly data management platform for business users. While organizations can utilize third-party applications to add complexity to data gathering, TIBCO has worked to make the interface simple for non-technical users.
To view the video click here: https://bit.ly/2V7PB7c