Real-time Analytics News Roundup for Week Ending June 27
In the news this week: Deloitte launches an AI institute and IBM, HPE, Salesforce, and Siemens introduce offerings to help businesses safely return to work.
In the news this week: Deloitte launches an AI institute and IBM, HPE, Salesforce, and Siemens introduce offerings to help businesses safely return to work.
If you’re a small business and you are not ready for a major technology investment, you can still benefit from AI solutions using various budget-friendly solutions.
The RB5 platform could also be utilized by enterprises exploring Industry 4.0 technologies, such as machine maintenance, collaborative robots, and inventory management.
Combined with an intelligent IIoT ecosystem, EaaS can harness the current Industrial Revolution as an opportunity to fuel your company's growth.
Analyzing data stores for 5G doesn’t have to be complex, but actions should be taken now to prepare for the onslaught of data that will arrive as 5G rolls out.
ROI for edge computing needs a deep drill-down and exacting metrics to determine how and where edge deployments deliver value.
Companies have long been interested in enhancing business process automation using artificial intelligence. The disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have raised the stakes, amplifying the need for AI’s use.
During a pandemic such as this one it is critical that organizations be able to quickly identify people who might be sick, and one way to do that is to detect fever.
AI and related digital technologies are poised to generate large numbers of jobs and related opportunities.
The accelerator helps developers create turnkey, real-time solutions that address the most common pandemic-related workplace requirements.