Real-time Analytics News for Week Ending June 19
In this week's real-time analytics news: A new benchmark that measures how quickly a neural net can process data on low-powered devices (such as many IoT and edge devices).
In this week's real-time analytics news: A new benchmark that measures how quickly a neural net can process data on low-powered devices (such as many IoT and edge devices).
Successful digital transformation initiatives include powerful AI and machine learning techniques to process and analyze large volumes of data across the enterprise.
New tech jobs require workers skilled in the use of technologies and able to handle the complexities and interconnectedness of today’s world.
While many businesses use low code for specific tactical purposes, companies also should view low code from a more strategic perspective.
To extract full value from amassed data, organizations need to cultivate and empower a data-driven company culture that starts with a commitment from the C-suite and seeks to empower every employee with accessible data access.
IoT-as-a-Service allows companies to quickly leverage the full power of connected devices, incorporate new technology, and speed the time to value.
Use of cloud computing in hospitality continues to evolve, offering new ways to ingest, process, and protect customer data.
Building teams with critical non-technical skills to amplify your cloud implementation.
A look at the factors driving the increased use of low code and composability for real-time applications.
If your CDO is successful, when the inevitable next disruption occurs, you will be ready because you have put in place the right tools, empowered all your knowledge workers, and democratized your data for innovation, collaboration and execution.