Digital transformations often result in complex application environments. As a result, DevOps, SRE, and IT teams often spend more time triaging incidents and fixing issues than should actually be needed.
Several international initiatives realize that meeting the future needs of urban planners will require imparting smart cities expertise to get projects underway and completed.
Smart data pipelines take data from its source (e.g., a mainframe), put the data into the right format needed by those working with it, and integrate the data with the appropriate systems and tools.
Service intelligence can create efficient, top-notch customer experiences—the sorts of experiences that provide a substantial edge in today’s highly competitive market environment.
In this week's real-time analytics news: Argo has graduated from CNCF Incubator project status, joining the ranks of other efforts, including Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Envoy.
Industrial DataOps practices and software are simplifying the processes by which industrial data can be managed and served to subject matter experts so that they can be more effective and productive.