Accelerating Manufacturing Digital Transformation

IT/OT Convergence’s Achilles Heel: OT Security


Ensuring OT security allows for greater confidence when converging IT and OT systems. That, in turn, allows industrial industry organizations to achieve greater efficiency and enables innovation, positioning the companies for long-term success.

The growing use of IoT and the availability of enterprise connectivity solutions has allowed industrial industries organization to bring together their information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) systems offering numerous benefits. Unfortunately, one major shortcoming that can cause problems is poor OT security.

Why should organizations focus on OT security? And why now? Many OT systems were designed without security in mind and may lack modern security features, making them vulnerable to attacks. Additionally, many have inadequate user authentication and authorization mechanisms, which can lead to unauthorized access to critical systems.

Other OT security issues are quite common. For example, many legacy OT systems use outdated or insecure communication protocols, which can be intercepted or manipulated by attackers. There are often differences in security policies and practices between IT and OT environments, which can create gaps that attackers can exploit.

Addressing these security issues requires a comprehensive approach that includes adopting best practices for cybersecurity, implementing robust security controls, and fostering collaboration between IT and OT teams.

See also: IT/OT Convergence Needs More Than Technology

Survey reveals troubling findings

Once a peripheral concern, OT security has become a mandatory focus for organizations worldwide. That point was evident in the findings of a new study released last week by Cisco. In its inaugural “State of Industrial Networking” report, Cisco found critical OT security issues are common today.

The report is based on data from a global survey of more than 1,000 industry professionals conducted by Cisco in association with Sapio Research. Survey respondents were from 17 countries and across 20 industry sectors, representing a range of industries that are heavy users of OT, including manufacturing, transportation/logistics, energy/utilities, and more.

The report’s authors noted that “industrial networks are increasingly connected, and OT networks are converging with their enterprise IT counterparts, creating a complex and dynamic environment vulnerable to cyberattacks.”

The survey found great awareness of the importance of OT security. In total, 89% of respondents cited cybersecurity compliance as very or extremely important. However, 41% of firms report OT and IT teams work independently, emphasizing the need for improved collaboration.

“This report spotlights how IT and OT leaders recognize that strengthening their OT security posture is critical to drive business resiliency, improve efficiencies, and prepare for the next wave of innovation with AI,” said Vikas Butaney, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Cisco Networking – SD-WAN, Multicloud, and Industrial IoT, in a release.

To that end, the report authors highlighted several issues and actions to take to improve OT security. They include:

  • Prioritize cybersecurity in OT plans: Organizations that fail to prioritize cybersecurity considerations in their industrial networking strategy will find energy, time, and money absorbed in mitigating attacks—resources that could be otherwise invested in designing OT as a platform for innovation and growth.
  • Introduce measures to encourage IT/OT collaboration: OT and IT can no longer work in isolation as their skills and domains increasingly overlap. A combination of human and organizational factors, alongside unified technological solutions, will be required to optimize and protect data and assets.
  • Harness AI: Innovative OT leaders are using AI to differentiate their firms and deliver higher quality products faster. Organizations that don’t update their industrial networking infrastructure for AI to optimize efficiency, harness data, support employees and defend against cyberattacks will struggle to compete.

Benefits abound when OT security is addressed

Organizations that tackle OT security can realize many advantages from IT/OT convergence. Some of the most common benefits convergence delivers include:

Improved Operational Efficiency

  • Integrating IT and OT allows for the collection and analysis of real-time data from industrial processes, enabling better decision-making and optimization of operations.
  • Access to real-time data and advanced analytics can predict equipment failures before they occur, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

Enhanced Productivity

  • IT/OT convergence facilitates advanced automation, streamlining processes, and reducing human intervention, leading to higher productivity.
  • Continuous monitoring and data analysis help identify inefficiencies and optimize industrial processes.

Better Decision-Making

  • The integration provides comprehensive visibility into both IT and OT environments, offering valuable insights that support informed decision-making.
  • A consolidated view of operations allows managers to make quicker and more accurate decisions.

Cost Savings

  • Predictive maintenance and real-time monitoring minimize unplanned downtime, saving costs associated with lost production and emergency repairs.
  • Improved visibility and control over resources lead to more efficient use of materials and energy, reducing operational costs.

Increased Flexibility and Agility

  • Converged IT/OT systems can be more easily scaled to meet changing production demands.
  • Organizations can quickly adapt to market changes and new technologies, maintaining a competitive edge.

Innovation and Competitiveness

  • IT/OT convergence is a key enabler of the IoT and Industry 4.0 initiatives, driving innovation through smart manufacturing and connected devices.
  • Access to real-time data and advanced analytics opens up opportunities for new business models, such as data-driven services.

Sustainability and Environmental Benefits

  • Optimizing processes and resource usage leads to lower energy consumption and a reduced environmental footprint.
  • Improved process control and predictive maintenance contribute to minimizing waste and environmental impact.

The bottom line: Ensuring OT security allows for greater confidence when converging IT and OT systems. That, in turn, allows industrial industry organizations to achieve greater efficiency and enables innovation, positioning the companies for long-term success.

Salvatore Salamone

About Salvatore Salamone

Salvatore Salamone is a physicist by training who has been writing about science and information technology for more than 30 years. During that time, he has been a senior or executive editor at many industry-leading publications including High Technology, Network World, Byte Magazine, Data Communications, LAN Times, InternetWeek, Bio-IT World, and Lightwave, The Journal of Fiber Optics. He also is the author of three business technology books.

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