Cloud Data Insights is a community of experts for practitioners and data leaders looking to navigate the changing landscape of working with data in the cloud.
Today, RTInsights is launching its new endeavor, Cloud Data Insights, a community of experts sharing information that will help practitioners and data leaders navigate the changing landscape of working with data in the cloud.
Over the last several years, more and more business computing and the associated data resources have migrated to the cloud. Even more data resources and services didn’t actually migrate from anywhere but originated in the cloud. The cloud’s scalability and flexibility has given rise to new kinds of data and ways to analyze them that were simply not possible before when our horizons were defined by physical data centers.
We saw the shift in the context of real-time event processing. RTInsights is focused on shedding light on various aspects of real-time event processing (and will continue to be), and many of those solutions increasingly involve the cloud in some way. The cloud, cloud computing, and cloud data have become ubiquitous–we simply cannot conceive of a technology project that does not at least consider the cloud as an option for part or all of it.
Even edge computing which is defined by physical footprints today has some portion of workflows touching the cloud–be it for managing devices, collecting data, analyzing the data, or using it in real-time to drive actions at the device level or at the business-process level.
That path to the cloud, however, is not a clear or easy one. Technology and business leaders still have many questions and are in need of more guidance to make the move efficiently and effectively. And then, even more importantly, what do you do after the migration? How do you continue to grow and innovate, anticipating changing technology landscapes and business opportunities?
Some of the most debated topics revolve around managing a dynamic data environment in the cloud,and include topics such as data governance and all aspects of data security.
To start providing clarity on these topics and more, we’ll be covering what we heard from the community are essential areas for successfully leveraging the cloud:
- Migration
- Integration
- Data platforms
- Cloud data architectures
- Security
- Governance
Under these umbrella topics we will be providing information and best practices for both practitioners and data leaders in various corporate functions on MLOps, responsible AI, open data, multi-regional data governance, new data management and analytics platforms and tools, data pipelines, and hybrid architectures for organizations that seek to manage cloud and on-premises data in a cohesive framework whenever possible.
We anticipate these topics will shift over time because the only constant is change and as an industry we’re actually just at the beginning of moving our businesses to the cloud. Join us at and see where the cloud takes us!
-Les Yeamans, Founder and Executive Editor of RTInsights and CDInsights