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Countering Real-Time Frauds and Scams with Modern Streaming Engine Technology


In an era where fraudsters are increasingly adept at exploiting vulnerabilities in real time, traditional fraud detection methods are no longer sufficient. Organizations must adopt modern streaming engine technologies that can process and analyze customer event data in real time, allowing them to detect and prevent fraud as it happens.

In today’s digital age, fraudsters are leveraging increasingly sophisticated methods to exploit vulnerabilities in financial systems. With the rapid evolution of technology, these frauds and scams are becoming more complex and occurring in real time. The instantaneous nature of these threats makes it imperative for organizations to adopt solutions that can detect and counteract fraudulent activities as they happen.

Unfortunately, traditional methods fall short. To combat these real-time frauds effectively, businesses need to implement modern streaming engine technology powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics.

The Evolving Nature of Modern Frauds and Scams

Fraud has always been a concern for financial institutions, but the digital transformation has shifted the landscape dramatically. Today’s fraudsters operate in real time, exploiting gaps in security systems with lightning speed. Whether through phishing scams, account takeovers, or sophisticated social engineering attacks, the goal is to steal money before the victim or institution can react.

This real-time aspect of modern fraud makes it particularly challenging to combat. Traditional fraud detection methods, which rely on analyzing historical data or conducting post-event investigations, are no longer adequate. The damage is already done when a fraudulent transaction is flagged and investigated. In response, there’s been a growing need for real-time solutions to analyze and act on customer event data the moment it’s generated, minimizing the window of opportunity for fraudsters.

The Inadequacies of Traditional Fraud Detection Methods

Historically, fraud detection relied heavily on batch processing of data, where transactions were analyzed after they had occurred. This approach, while effective in identifying patterns of fraudulent behavior over time, fails to address the immediacy of modern threats. The latency involved in batch processing means that by the time fraud is detected, it’s often too late to prevent the transaction from going through.

More recently, many organizations have turned to streaming engines like Apache Spark, Kafka Streams, or Flink. These technologies process streams of events in real time, allowing for temporal analytics where recent events are weighted more heavily than older ones. This method, known as sliding window aggregation, is critical for identifying and reacting to fraudulent activities as they occur.

However, even with these advancements, there are still limitations. Depending on the streaming engine used, issues such as high latency, memory inefficiency, and lack of fault tolerance can arise. These shortcomings can significantly impact the effectiveness of fraud detection systems, leaving organizations vulnerable to real-time attacks.

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What’s Needed? Enter Railgun

To address these challenges, Feedzai has developed Railgun, a next-generation AI engine explicitly designed for fraud detection and prevention in high-load, low-latency environments. Railgun stands out for its fault-tolerant, elastic, and distributed architecture, making it capable of handling the rigorous demands of real-time fraud detection scenarios.

Railgun supports real-time sliding windows, which are essential for processing and analyzing event data streams in a way that prioritizes recent events. This feature is particularly useful in fraud detection, where the ability to quickly identify and respond to suspicious activities can mean the difference between stopping a fraudster and allowing them to succeed.

Compared to traditional streaming engines, Railgun offers several advantages. Its lower latency ensures that fraudulent activities are detected instantly, allowing immediate intervention. Additionally, Railgun’s efficient use of memory resources reduces the computational overhead, enabling it to process large volumes of data without compromising performance. That makes it an ideal solution for organizations that must protect their systems and customers from real-time frauds and scams.

Partnering with a Technology Provider for Enhanced Fraud Detection

Implementing a sophisticated streaming engine like Railgun requires a high level of expertise and specialized skills that many organizations may not have in-house. The complexity of setting up, managing, and optimizing a real-time fraud detection system can be overwhelming, particularly for businesses that lack experience in this area.

This is where partnering with a technology provider like Feedzai becomes invaluable. Feedzai brings the technical expertise needed to deploy and maintain advanced streaming engines and deep industry experience in combating fraud. By working with Feedzai, organizations can benefit from a comprehensive fraud detection and prevention strategy that leverages cutting-edge technology and best practices.

Feedzai offers a range of solutions designed to help organizations stay ahead of fraudsters. For example, Feedzai’s Fraud Prevention platform integrates seamlessly with Railgun, providing a robust framework for real-time monitoring and intervention. This platform uses machine learning models to analyze transaction patterns, flagging suspicious activities before they can escalate. Additionally, Feedzai’s RiskOps platform centralizes risk management, enabling businesses to respond to threats more effectively by providing a unified view of risks across the organization.

These solutions enhance the capabilities of the underlying streaming engine and provide a layer of intelligence critical for staying ahead of fraudsters. By leveraging Feedzai’s expertise and technology, organizations can significantly reduce their risk of falling victim to real-time frauds and scams.


In an era where fraudsters are increasingly adept at exploiting vulnerabilities in real time, traditional fraud detection methods are no longer sufficient. Organizations must adopt modern streaming engine technologies that can process and analyze customer event data in real time, allowing them to detect and prevent fraud as it happens. Feedzai’s Railgun represents a significant advancement in this area, offering a low-latency, fault-tolerant solution designed for the demands of real-time fraud detection. By partnering with Feedzai, organizations can ensure they have the tools and expertise needed to protect themselves and their customers from the growing threat of real-time frauds and scams.

Salvatore Salamone

About Salvatore Salamone

Salvatore Salamone is a physicist by training who has been writing about science and information technology for more than 30 years. During that time, he has been a senior or executive editor at many industry-leading publications including High Technology, Network World, Byte Magazine, Data Communications, LAN Times, InternetWeek, Bio-IT World, and Lightwave, The Journal of Fiber Optics. He also is the author of three business technology books.

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