Can the Enterprise-In-Motion be Autonomic?
To truly benefit from automation, agents, AI and robotics, real-time enterprises must smartly sync "reflexes" and goals.
To truly benefit from automation, agents, AI and robotics, real-time enterprises must smartly sync "reflexes" and goals.
Warehouse management gets even smarter with roaming robots with the right
Today's marketing and PR agencies run on data, and that data needs to be visible and accessible on demand.
How one big retail chain moved its data warehouse to a Hadoop
How one firm is building "the refinery of the future" by relying on predictive
A leading fashion retailer with movie credits needed to keep up with sudden spikes in
A rapidly expanding co-working facility needed a flexible climate-control system that could adapt to ever-changing levels of
A provider of edge sensor tech doubles down on its commitment to store and manage customer data streaming in from many device
The City of New Orleans has created a "Real-Time Crime Center" to proactively prevent and respond to public safety
Oakland Unified School District streamlines asset tracking of critical science education materials with mobile apps and