How In-Memory Data Grids Turbocharge Analytics
As business goes digital, there's a growing market for in-memory data
Tools and Tactics for real-time analytics.
As business goes digital, there's a growing market for in-memory data
The ability to monitor suspicious activity and price limits in real time is crucial for financial service industries. Here's how Cleartrade Exchange used data …
SwedishAmerican Hospital credits a real-time data visualization tool for reduced wait and discharge times at its emergency
Maple Leaf Foods deployed SAP HANA in-memory technology to gain much faster insights on prices of food commodities.
Apache Spark offers fast speeds, integration with a variety of programming languages, and flexibility. But Spark vs. Hadoop MapReduce is not an either-or
For both e-commerce outfits and brick-and-mortar stores, those that can reach connected shoppers in real time will have a distinct
MemSQL uses a trinity of Apache Kafka, Apache Spark, and its own platform to build real-time data pipelines. Here's
An IoT device is only as good as its
Data loses its value when it can't be analyzed fast enough. Edge computing and analytics can solve the challenge for enterprises ranging from oil and gas …
How an online retailer of stock media turned to a system to manage Big Data and enable real-time analytics on hardware, network traffic, and transactions.