Cloud + Streaming Analytics + Data Science = Five Big Data Trends Now
How streaming analytics, the rise of data science and the growth of cloud could change the digital transformation path for enterprise in the coming
Apache Hadoop, Spark and Kafka.
How streaming analytics, the rise of data science and the growth of cloud could change the digital transformation path for enterprise in the coming
Microservices will be enabled by Kubernetes container orchestration software which could change how next-generation AI applications are
TEOCO suite is designed to boost communication service providers’ ability to manage complex networking
Striim's leading real-time data integration and streaming analytics platform just launched its version 3.8 with some big
Zoomdata has announced its January 2018 update, which includes a new streaming interface, improved smart tiering and performance
Vehicle intelligence firm Spireon is working with Snowflake to leverage Amazon Web Services' data warehouse
Artificial intelligence and big data have formed a truly symbiotic relationship, and they need each other to bring to fruition what both are
The Kafka-Spark-Cassandra pipeline has proved popular because Kafka scales easily to a big firehose of incoming events, to the order of 100,000/second and
As Oracle recounts, Apache Spark excels at running machine learning queries on massive data
A 55-page report on the state of enterprise Hadoop adoption, including vendors, use cases, and