How GPU Computing Could Reinvent Real-Time Analytics
The GPU has been around since "Space Invaders" -- but it's now capable of visualizing billions of data points in real
Data visualization tools that enable real-time analytics and Big Data.
The GPU has been around since "Space Invaders" -- but it's now capable of visualizing billions of data points in real
How visual analytics helps businesses make better decisions, and what to look for when evaluating different
Big data visualizations are now easy, but not all visuals have
"The statistic we see again and again is that the cloud is not a great place for real-time
The ability to monitor suspicious activity and price limits in real time is crucial for financial service industries. Here's how Cleartrade Exchange used data …
SwedishAmerican Hospital credits a real-time data visualization tool for reduced wait and discharge times at its emergency
How an online retailer of stock media turned to a system to manage Big Data and enable real-time analytics on hardware, network traffic, and transactions.
Opinion mining has been criticized for its accuracy but the field is increasingly ready for prime time. Companies have succeeded in bringing Big Data sentiment …