Revisiting the Requirements for Edge Computing
Edge computing requires elements that can fit into the limited space available, withstand harsh conditions, and run sophisticated analysis
How edge computing and edge analytics use real-time data for a variety of applications, including IoT.
Edge computing requires elements that can fit into the limited space available, withstand harsh conditions, and run sophisticated analysis
With edge computing, workloads, storage, and networking infrastructures are moved closer to the sensors, actuators, and other IoT devices that generate and use …
Untethering compute from the cloud allows the broadening of AI’s reach. And it speeds up response time by reducing the lag caused by communicating with …
IoT gateways act as middlemen connecting your devices to the cloud and managing everything from data security, connectivity protocols to edge
Edge computing and 5G in the enterprise will transformation what we know as data centers. They are likely to evolve to be smaller and more geographically …
Manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, environmental monitoring, and gaming are poised for growth using 5G and edge.
The new solutions and updates consolidate and streamline data management and operations as deployments scale, overcome latency constraints, and secure the …
Edge deployment supports real-time decision-making and enables digital transformation, which is a vital part of next generation
Rather than focusing on the past for insights, organizations are increasingly trying to anticipate events with analytics and real-time data.
AR provides a bridge between the in-store and online customer experience. It also enhances brand awareness, something retailers like Kohl's hope to leverage as …