The Role of AI and ML in Building a Logical Data Fabric
The logical data fabric is a vision of a unified data delivery platform that abstracts access to multiple data systems by hiding complexity and exposing data …
The logical data fabric is a vision of a unified data delivery platform that abstracts access to multiple data systems by hiding complexity and exposing data …
As the need for real-time data expands, organizations will need to operate all three of these meshes at internet scale with enterprise-grade capabilities.
A semantic layer lets organizations connect data warehouses, data lakes, and data lakehouses to an existing data ecosystem to ensure their continued relevance …
In any application modernization project, businesses that choose to add CDC to their plans from the beginning will reap the rewards, again and again, as they …
AI and ML applications need unified quality data from multiple silos and diverse formats that multiple workgroups can easily and securely
Lack of automation and data security challenges are impeding the flow of enterprise information, known as the data supply
The challenges of integrating time-series data into data lakes can be overcome by using the right architecture and providing the appropriate metadata.
With many deployment options, it’s easy to undermine the inherent EDA security benefits by deploying onto a substandard
Managed event services can help companies make faster and more efficient use of events and speed the adoption of event-driven architectures.
We're living in a data-driven world. All the more reason for companies to hire data scientists to work on a variety of