Git-based CI/CD for Machine Learning and MLOps
Platforms that implement CI/CD and automate builds provide developers with the needed flexibility when building DevOps
This big data technology lets users query a continuous data stream and detect conditions — within a few milliseconds to minutes — after receiving that data (i.e. flow of events); processing data in motion, or computing on data directly as it’s produced or received.
Platforms that implement CI/CD and automate builds provide developers with the needed flexibility when building DevOps
Partnerships abound to speed the adoption of real-time analytics and systems, and new offerings target streaming analytics and digital twins.
The decoupled and asynchronous nature of an event-driven architecture enables the development of flexible, extensible, modern cloud-based serverless …
Organizations need transparency into real-time applications to understand inter-dependencies, prevent unexpected problems, and avoid incorrect results.
Combining compute, connectivity, and low latency communication to endpoints lets MEC-hosted applications analyze streaming data on-the-fly and respond before …
A DataOps approach is about breaking down the barriers between people, technology, tools, and data to gain context and drive
Disruption is coming at us from many different directions. We have, at a macro level, economic volatility. We face, in our markets, innovative competitors. We …
A robust and low-latency fraud analysis pipeline/risk engine makes financial institutions become both more competitive and more
DSP at its core is a collection of open-source Apache tools that Splunk has curated to create a unified platform that enterprise IT teams can more easily …
The traditional approach to processing data at scale is batching; the premise of which is that all the data is available in the system of record before the …