Building Real-Time Analytics Systems

From Events to Insights with Apache Kafka and Apache Pinot

O’Reilly eBook

Deep dive into real-time analytics applications in this practical guide for data engineers, data architects and application developers.

This eBook covers:

  1. Introduction to Real-Time Analytics
  2. The Real-Time Analytics Ecosystem
  3. Introducing All About That Dough: Real-Time Analytics on Pizza
  4. Querying Kafka with Kafka Streams
  5. The Serving Layer: Apache Pinot
  6. Building a Real-Time Analytics Dashboard
  7. Product Changes Captured with Change Data Capture
  8. Joining Streams with Kafka Streams
  9. Upserts in the Serving Layer
  10. Geospatial Querying
  11. Production Considerations
  12. Real-Time Analytics in the Real World
  13. The Future of Real-Time Analytics

Learn about core concepts, essential tools and explore real-world use cases. See what’s on the horizon for real-time analytics in the coming years.

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