Inpixon will use blockchain technology to develop a global repository of device reputations to help enterprise security and retailers mitigate device risk.
Indoor positioning and data analytics company Inpixon has announced they will begin using blockchain to create a global repository of device reputations to help enterprise security and retailers react to rogue-device risk proactively.
The company says using blockchain with its Indoor Positioning Analytics platform will reduce risk for retailers by creating a self-managing payment platform that layers device reputation onto account management. It also will reward customers for their loyalty. Blockchain enables rapid ID and quarantine of malicious devices which will help prevent fraudulent transactions, which can cost retailers millions of dollars annually.
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“The use of blockchain technology is one of several strategic product development plans we have for 2018 that we believe will modernize Indoor Positioning radically,” said Nadir Ali, CEO of Inpixon. “With the use of blockchain technologies for various applications, including security enforcement, payment authorization, identity verification, and access authentication, the Inpixon IPA platform which provides accurate indoor positioning context for millions of devices will be able to offer unique device reputation.”
The IoT is exposing businesses to a whole new level of threats, making enterprise security more challenging than ever. Using blockchain will assist enterprises in maintaining and propagating device reputation, enforce security policies and ensure compliance. The company said a key goal for 2018 is to develop IPA’s on-premise components and maintain blockchain certificate stores for use in global installations.
Within the next few weeks, Inpixon says it plans to launch several other tech enhancements for its 2018 product lineup. This includes the use of AI for collecting anonymous device information, new sensor technology, and enabling a voice-assisted analytics interface.