Real-time Analytics News for the Week Ending June 29


In this week’s real-time analytics news: DataStax announced major updates to its Generative AI development platform.

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DataStax announced major updates to its Generative AI development platform that help make retrieval augmented generation (RAG) powered application development faster. The announcements include:

  • In April, DataStax acquired Langflow, now, DataStax released Langflow 1.0, which includes a version of Langflow that’s hosted in the DataStax Cloud platform.
  • DataStax Vectorize simplifies vector generation by letting developers choose an embedding service, configure it with Astra DB, and start building right away. Most embedding is currently handled “client-side”- meaning that Developers need to learn many different APIs. With DataStax Vectorize, vector embedding now happens on the server.
  • DataStax has partnered with the top embedding providers to offer robust choice, with simplified implementation that only requires users to configure a single API to create embeddings. As a result, developers only need to learn one API to now access the eight most popular embedding providers and compare results between them. Partner embedding providers include Azure OpenAI, Hugging Face, Jina AI, Mistral AI, NVIDIA, OpenAI, Upstage AI, and Voyage AI.
  • DataStax also announced additions of several key features, integrations, and partnerships, all available now in the RAGStack 1.0 release. The production-ready, out of the box solution streamlines RAG implementation at enterprise scale, with an efficient set of tools, techniques, and governance.

Other real-time analytics news in brief

Cloudera announced three new AI-driven assistants that empower customers to accelerate the development of data, analytics, and AI business applications. With Cloudera’s new AI assistants, enterprises can get trusted data, analytics, and AI applications into production faster than ever while also expanding the scope of employees who can access these tools. This combination enables enterprises to drive AI initiatives more quickly across the entire business and empowers more users to leverage data-driven insights in their everyday roles.

Couchbase announced its partnership with Vectorize, a vector search optimization company, to integrate Vectorize experiments with Couchbase Capella. The partnership provides organizations with a secure way to evaluate various vectorization strategies to develop AI-powered applications with RAG. Leveraging this integration, users can quickly find the best text embedding model, chunking strategies, and retrieval parameters to maximize the relevancy of their search results without writing a single line of code.

Cube announced new capabilities in Cube Cloud. New capabilities include Semantic Catalog and AI Assistant that simplify discovery, exploration, and access to modeled data. With these new capabilities, enterprises using Cube Cloud can extend the benefits of the universal semantic layer by allowing anyone to search and reuse connected data assets and perform natural language queries. Organizations can also increase productivity by reducing duplicate efforts to model and analyze data.

DeepKeep announced the product launch of its GenAI Risk Assessment module, designed to secure GenAI’s LLM and computer vision models, specifically focusing on penetration testing, identifying potential vulnerabilities and threats to model security, trustworthiness and privacy. DeepKeep’s assessment provides a thorough examination of AI models, ensuring high standards of accuracy, integrity, fairness, and efficiency.

Denodo announced the launch of Denodo Platform 9.0. This latest version of the Denodo Platform enables intelligent data delivery through AI-driven support for queries delivered in natural language, eliminating the need to know SQL. It also has the ability to provide large language models (LLMs) with real-time, governed data from across the enterprise, powering retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) for trusted, insightful results from generative AI applications, as well as a set of powerful new features to further enhance data management.

DiffusionData announced a strategic partnership with Options Technology. The strategic partnership will enable an integration between DiffusionData’s real-time data distribution server, Diffusion, and Options’ consolidated data service. This will streamline the experience for mutual customers to deliver multi-asset class data in a controlled manner over any network, at internet scale, using market-leading, web socket technology.

Franz announced AllegroGraph 8.2, a Neuro-Symbolic AI Platform with enhancements to ChatStream, offering users a natural language query interface that provides more accurate and contextually relevant responses. The advancements in AllegroGraph include ChatStream natural language queries with Graph RAG and feedback, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) for LLMs, enterprise document deep-insight, AI symbolic rule generation, Knowledge Graph-as-a-Service, enhanced scalability and performance, a new web interface, and advanced knowledge graph visualization.

Hydrolix launched its Powered by Hydrolix Partner Program to create new revenue streams for partners whose customers collect massive amounts of log data. By building products powered by the Hydrolix streaming data lake, partners can offer their customers hot access to four times more data at one fourth the cost. The Powered by Hydrolix Partner Program was inspired, designed, and launched in the wake of a successful partnership with Akamai.

Imply announced the availability of Imply Polaris on Microsoft Azure. As a cloud database service for Apache Druid, Polaris provides a simple developer experience for building real-time analytics applications. Polaris on Azure allows customers to enhance application alignment and support hybrid and multi-cloud strategies from a single platform.

Lenovo unveiled new enterprise AI solutions designed to help any company develop and deploy AI with turnkey services, business-ready vertical solutions, and innovations designed to accelerate the practical application of AI. To address AI applications of all types, the expansion includes new services powered by NVIDIA through the Lenovo AI Center of Excellence, new validated AI Innovator solutions from pocket to cloud, and the 6th generation of Lenovo Neptune liquid cooling designed to support the mainstream rollout of AI-ready computing without sacrificing energy efficiency.

Narrative BI announced the launch of AI Data Analyst, a state-of-the-art tool designed to help businesses effortlessly connect their data sources, ask data-related questions in natural language, and receive actionable insights. The solution is powered by NBI.AI-1, a proprietary Generative BI model developed by Narrative BI. Additionally, AI Data Analyst comes equipped with pre-built integrations for major data sources, including GA4, Google Ads, Google Search Console, Facebook Ads, HubSpot, and Salesforce. This ensures seamless data connectivity and enables businesses to leverage their data effectively.

New Relic announced it is integrating its platform with NVIDIA NIM inference microservices to reduce the complexity and costs of developing, deploying, and monitoring generative AI (GenAI) apps. Now, customers can use New Relic AI monitoring to gain broad visibility across the AI stack for applications built with NVIDIA NIM, all with a simplified setup and enhanced data security. This complements the robust security features and ease of use of NVIDIA NIM’s self-hosted models, which accelerates generative AI application delivery.

Oracle announced the general availability of HeatWave GenAI, which includes in-database large language models (LLMs), an automated in-database vector store, scale-out vector processing, and the ability to have contextual conversations in natural language informed by unstructured content. With HeatWave GenAI, developers can create a vector store for enterprise unstructured content with a single SQL command using built-in embedding models. Users can perform natural language searches in a single step using either in-database or external LLMs. Data doesn’t leave the database, and due to HeatWave’s extreme scale and performance, there is no need to provision GPUs.

Precisely announced the availability of Spatial Analytics and Data Enrichment services for its leading Precisely Data Integrity Suite, as well as the release of a new private API for mainframe replication. The new offerings allow customers to use cloud-native spatial APIs to produce more scalable and performant spatial apps, enrich data with critical third-party datasets that add context and reveal new insights for location data, and access more flexible deployment options for mainframe replication.

Prefect announced the open-source technical preview of Prefect 3.0. This version introduces solutions for data teams to write resilient code, automate with flexibility, and efficiently run on provisioned resources. Additionally, Prefect 3.0 offers a new framework for building resilient workflows by design, emphasizing transactional semantics, flexible orchestration, and portable execution. In addition, the company announced ControlFlow, an open-source framework for building agentic workflows, built on top of Prefect 3.0.

Senzing announced a partnership with GraphAware. The partnership integrates Senzing entity resolution capabilities into GraphAware Hume, GraphAware’s graph-based enterprise intelligence platform, offering unparalleled data insights and competitive advantages. With Senzing entity resolution integrated into the Hume data intelligence platform, users can better validate identities, mitigate signal-to-noise challenges in their data, and map connections between individuals and other legal entities.

SingleStore announced a bi-directional integration with Apache Iceberg that opens up a world of opportunities for building intelligent applications on data lakehouses. This integration addresses the critical challenge faced by enterprises where an estimated 90% of data remains “frozen” in lakehouses and is unusable for powering interactive applications, analytics, or AI. SingleStore’s new integration is intended to solve that precisely by providing low-latency ingestion, bi-directional data flow, and real-time application performance at lower costs for modern intelligent applications and analytics.

Sisense announced the beta launch of the Sisense Analytics Chatbot and enhanced natural language narration. These embeddable conversational analytics tools, powered by Generative AI, allow users to ask natural language queries about their data and gain additional insights with suggested follow-up action through natural language narration. The new Analytics Chatbot interface answers natural language questions, suggests queries for users to start exploring analytics, provides narrative explanations for greater context through data visualizations, and suggests actions consistent with these insights.

Teradata announced that it will offer Teradata VantageCloud Lake on Google Cloud, featuring updates that are designed to leverage the strengths of both Teradata and Google Cloud to deliver Trusted AI. Key components of VantageCloud Lake are Teradata’s ClearScape Analytics and a connected ecosystem that, for the Google Cloud edition, includes seamless integrations with Google Cloud’s AI technologies, Vertex AI platform, and Gemini models.

If your company has real-time analytics news, send your announcements to [email protected].

In case you missed it, here are our most recent previous weekly real-time analytics news roundups:

Salvatore Salamone

About Salvatore Salamone

Salvatore Salamone is a physicist by training who has been writing about science and information technology for more than 30 years. During that time, he has been a senior or executive editor at many industry-leading publications including High Technology, Network World, Byte Magazine, Data Communications, LAN Times, InternetWeek, Bio-IT World, and Lightwave, The Journal of Fiber Optics. He also is the author of three business technology books.

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